Bodega Catena Zapata has an extrodinary story. Started well over 100 years ago by an Italian immigrant to Argentina, the winery made wines in an Italian style in Mendoza until they started the modern Argentinian revolution.
Nicolas Zapata (the grandson of founder Nicola) moved to the America during the Argentine milatary dictatorships of the 70/80’s. It was there he discovered how the Californian winemakers were pushing the boudaries and creating world class wines that could compete with the best of France. He returned to kick start the South American wine revolution. By trying to create world class wine, rather than cheap wine for export they’ve changed the perception of Argentinian wine.
Hear Laura Zapata, the current MD of the winery talk about the Malbec grape, its history in Europe, how it got to Agentina and why it grows so well there.
There are so many interesting facts in this video, we’re sure you’ll learn something new!
In 2014, Laura visited Google to deliver a talk on her life and family, wine, Argentia and their ethos for making wine. There are so many things that are extrodinary about her family’s life. We hope this video gives you some insight into why their wines are special, and the quality is getting better year after year.